Bug Hotel at ALDI Flitwick

This art installation and bug hotel has been created around the theme of ‘boundaries and borders’. By creating a green border across the site, links have been developed between the green spaces on site and the wider habitats within Greensand Country.
The form of the bug hotel draws on the local distinctiveness of Flitwick and Bedfordshire. The artist was inspired by the shape of the chimney at Flitwick Mill, a key historic landmark within the town. One of six mills along the River Flit, there had been a mill there since the 11th century. If you look closely at the top of the bug hotel you will also see a moth with scallop shell wings, made with recycled plastics. Both the scallop and the bug hotel’s colour evoke the Bedfordshire county flag.
Installation designed by Iain Jamieson www.iainjamieson.com
What is a bug hotel?
Bug hotels are vital to create the right habitats needed to support more insects, by providing space for insects to nest throughout the year or stay during winter. These insects help to pollinate plants and help to maximise biodiversity.
In this bug hotel, there are three levels. At the top, expanded cork mats have been layered. This provides a denser environment for small pollinators. The middle layer contains small pieces of dead wood. This deadwood is vital to house the larvae of wood-boring beetles, insects such as centipedes and woodlice, and many different species of fungi. Finally, the bottom layer contains larger logs and pine cones. This mix of larger, airy spaces and smaller places to burrow are the perfect home for all types of insects.
Linking habitats
Around the bug hotel you will see lots of pollinator friendly plants, which ones can you spot?
Along the site border, you will also find native hedgerows. These are vital to link the green spaces within the site to other habitats by providing wildlife corridors to move along safely. There are also wood piles and boxes for birds, bats, and hedgehogs across the site. These provide further safe habitats for wildlife.
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