
Along the side of this field you will see a wooded area. As well as the open fields and hedgerows, areas of woodland are a vital habitat. This woodland has a variety of trees, including some young but well established self-set oaks, silver birch and willow. The owner has also planted a number of fruit trees, including apple, plum and greengage. The two ponds, one of which is overflow from the ponds at Southill Park, are often used by wildlife as water source.
‘It’s a real haven for wildlife, with muntjac, hares, and a badger sett. The soil has never been fertile, so was never useful to the market gardener. As a peaceful spot for wildlife though, it is perfect.’
The UK’s native woods and trees are incredible biodiverse. They support many different species of fungi, lichens, mosses and plants, as well as birds, invertebrates and other animals. Hedgerows and field margins provide a way to link up areas of woodland, creating green corridors for wildlife across the landscape.
Please stick to public rights of way when exploring Greensand Country.