Enjoy Horse Riding in Greensand Country
Apr 2020
Whist out riding in Greensand Country, please enjoy the countryside and treat the landscape and other people with respect, care and consideration:
- Leave only hoofprints and guard against fire
- Help others to see you: wear hi-viz aids, even off-road
- Keep to bridleways & byways
- Do not jump fences, hedges or walls – you may cause damage
- Pass others at walk and slow down well before you reach them, they may be frightened of horses or uncertain how to act
- Be able to stop in the distance that you can see ahead
- Acknowledge courtesy shown by other users
- Adopt ‘Share the Trail’: each encounter with another user is a chance to build cooperation
- Encourage cyclist to call out when approaching horses, nay cyclists are unsure what to do around horses
- Ride slowly past all livestock
- Leave gates as you find them
- Do not ride on crops or cultivated land (except on public rights of way), including subble, which may be sown with new crop, and young grass
- Keep to walk if faster paces may damage the ground